Jun 15, 2016

Padme, Digital Sketch

Queen Amidala, The Phantom Menace. Painted in Photoshop CS5 using Kyle T Webster brushes. Not one of those weirdos, but we'll get back to them soon enough.
Queen Amidala

Jun 9, 2016

Vendor of the Week

In case everybody missed it, I was the featured vendor last week on the Milwaukee Paranormal Conferences website.  

If you are close or can come in for the Conference I highly recommend it.  It was a ton of fun last year.  There were a lot of things to see and learn about, and it should be even better this year.

Milwaukee Paranormal Conference
El Chupacabra

Jun 1, 2016

Moon Knight sketch commission.

I found this in the watercolor folder on my computer... From either C2E2 or WizWorld Chicago...

Moon Knight.

Marvels Moon Knight
I dig this costume.

The Twisted Adventures of Stinko! - "ever hear of a shower?"

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